Our first youth group of 2007! And we haven't had youth group for over a month so Juanita and I are saying "FINALLY!!!"
Last night we decided to have our 'Belated Christmas Dinner' (I think) at Timbers restaurant. Yummy...the Chinese buffet was pretty good, if I say so my self! We all had a good time figuring out our fortunes in fortune cookies and using chopsticks...or ATTEMPTING to use them for some *cough*Neil*cough*. When we got back to Kevin's house, we tried to create a 'romantic mood' to sing and sit around in. Hahah.
The bible study last night was titled, "What is God's Will For Our Youth Group?". We had three questions to answer which were, What is our agenda? What do we default to if it fails? and I cannot remember the other question? For illustration, Kevin used the story of Jesus feeding 5000 men, found in Matthew 14:13-21. Jesus had wanted to find a place of solitude, but the crowds followed him wherever he went, so he has to change his agenda for them, took compassion on them, and healed and fed them.
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