Yummy! Diapers! (Y)

We had our first junior youth group last night, but it ended up being more of a...food night.
1) Kevin made me and Kelsi melt and mush different types of chocolates and put them into clean diapers. We had to eat each type and guess which was which.
2) Dill pickle spitting contest! Hoorah. I think the score was 55-47. Juanita spitted the farthest with 14 squares!!
3) We ate persians and everyone was throwing marshmallows into each other's mouths! I'm not sure this was a game Kev invented, but it was...interesting.
Daniel 4 talks about King Nebuchadnezzar. King Neb. has a dream about a beautiful and prosperous tree which provided food for the animals. Then it was commanded that it was to be cut down but only the stump was to remain. Daniel had interpreted the dream and told Neb. that he was the tree, and because he was so proud, God was to drive King Nebuchadnezzar from his kingdom for 7 years unless he gave credit to God. At the end of seven years, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God and praised him and his kingdom was restored to him.
heather i'm so dissapointed in you its not SPITTED the pickel its SHRLOTTED the pickel!
My questions for this youth group. Where does the ten percent that the church teaches about come from in the Bible?
Did Paul have to Correct Petter in Galatieans 3:11 and Why?
Can a Pastor tell someone in the church not to come back any more? (there is a Bibical way and a way that is wrong)(Can you back it up from the Bible)
Who is in Charge of the Church;
a. the pastor
b. the church members
c. the government
d. God
e. all the above excluding the government.
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Who will join Jesus in heaven;
a. all people on earth
b. only the people that say they are christians
c. Who God Says
(remember the ansewer is in the Bible, read and reread and pray about it.)
My last Comments is; All of you in yhe youth group stand up and praise God and no man. Do NOT fight with each other (hint if you are tight with God there should be no disagreements.) Pray for www.intoabbasarms.org they need prayer and love check their web out. oh Love your God he will never never leave you.
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