Lakehead Baptist Youth

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Uhm.. ouch

Well hey we had an interesting youth group yesterday! Kev took us all out paintballing, and we got out a huge group of people, it was great! There were about.. I dunno twenty of us. We played a couple rounds of just killing each other, and one of capture the flag. At one point we challenged the "pro" paintballers there...20 to 8. Let's just say we're all severely bruised now. My right leg has like 6 purple and red bumps on it now, but it was worth it. Good times!!
Kev's Bible study was from Luke, talking about when Jesus was on the cross with the two prisoners, how both of them treated Jesus. One treated Jesus with mockery and wanted Jesus to save them and himself. The other asked "Do you not fear God, when you share the same fate as him?" to the first man. He then asked Jesus to remember him when they die, and Jesus promised the man a home in heaven that day.
Okay so I can't remember the whole thing right now, it'll come to me later. But yes, good youth group, good perogies, good welts.

Youth next week will be held at the church at 6pm!



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