Lakehead Baptist Youth

Monday, April 09, 2007


Ahaa welll that was an interesting experience with lamb. Although last years lamb was FABULOUS, this year at our passover dinner, it wasn't so great. But the "unleaven" bread deffinitely made up for it. Of course making unleaven bread is supposed to be a fast thing, we took about 2 hours to make ours, considering we deepfried it...ahaa. But the meal wasn't too bad and we managed to do it.
We watched part of the movie about Jesus' life (the kids version, not the Passion) and kinda talked about what the people were expecting as their Messiah, and when Jesus didn't end up being what they wanted, they were angry. On Palm Sunday, they were shouting Hosannah, meaning Deliverer, but only a couple days later, they chose to crucify him.
Well then the guys and i went out to try out the new basketball nets! Ahaa we had an INTENSE game of basketball, Greg and Kevin VS Juanita, Neil and Andy, and WE WON!! woo thanks to Andrews CRAZY shot from like halfcourt!
Also an announcement was made that there will be only 7 more weeks of youth group. Saturday, May 26th is our last youth group. We'll be stopping youth for the summer and starting up again in September. Kevin has an idea for something he wants to do in the summer, and we'll get more information on that soon.
Also, Junior Youth is OVER. Sorry guys for those of you into this idea, but we've decided to end it for now. Maybe we'll try again in the future, but for now, with only 7 more weeks of youth, we're going to stop JY.
Well until next week,
Forshizzle my hommies!


Blogger Unknown said...

This website is taki.

Saturday, 19 May, 2007  

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