What a fun junior youth. Our first bonfire of 2007, marshmallow toasting contests and SARDINES!!! Congrats to Heather and Monika who were impossible to find in the last round. Even though some people were mean in SCARING THE YOUTH GROUP *cough Kevin cough*, the night was a success.
Our lesson this week was on Gideon and the Midianites. God used Gideon to restore worship among the Israelites. When the Midianites continued to take their food and hurt the Israelites, God helped them. But he took Gideons army of 32, 000 men and only picked 300 of them. God wanted to make sure that there was no mistaking the fact that the only reason the Israelites defeated the Midianites was because of God.
If you guys have any ideas for youth group that you want to do(junior youth, or for us), call Juanita or Heather
peace hommies
-Juanita Leon*